
The 10 best reasons why you should juice with a slow juicer:

Posted by Carrie Baines on

The 10 best reasons why you should juice with a slow juicer:

1. Nutrient retention: Slow juicing minimizes heat and oxidation, preserving more nutrients and enzymes in the juice.2. Enhanced taste: The slow extraction process often results in a richer and more flavorful juice.3. Longer shelf life: Due to reduced oxidation, slow-pressed juices can stay fresh for a longer period compared to juices made with other methods.4. Increased juice yield: Slow juicers are known for extracting a higher quantity of juice from fruits and vegetables.5. Less foam: Slow juicers produce less foam, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable juice texture.6. Versatility: Slow juicers can handle a wide variety of produce, including...

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Why are sprouts so good for you?

Posted by Carrie Baines on

Why are sprouts so good for you?
Sprouts are a wonder food.  Packed with nutrients and enzymes, easy to grow, versatile and delicious.  Grow some today- its super easy!  Your body will love you for it.

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What Are Probiotics?

Posted by Carrie Baines on

What Are Probiotics?
Find out what Probiotics are, how good they are and how the Yolife yoghurt maker can provide them.

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Juicing vs Blending: Which is best and why

Posted by Carrie Baines on

Juicing vs Blending:  Which is best and why
Blending vs Juicing- which is best and why?

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