Rosemary bush seeds $3.50
Eco seeds are Open Pollinate or Non Read More
Eco seeds are Open Pollinate or Non Hybrid seed with no chemical coatings and GE
Open pollinated means you can save seed from your own plants and expect it to
grow “true to type” - provided it hasn’t cross-pollinated. Unlike the hybrid varieties popular today- seed from hybrids will not grow true to type - you have to buy new seed each year.
Rosemary is an attractive perennial shrub with fragrant leaves. It has a wonderful aroma and piney taste, which goes well with meat, soups, and potatoes. This shrubby herb is a type of sage and grows well with other Mediterranean herbs, such as lavender and thyme. It has lovely blue flowers as well, attracting pollinators!
Drought-tolerant, rosemary grows best in warm areas. Can be grown in the ground or in a pot and will live for many years.
Plant in full sun in fast-draining soil; rosemary won’t tolerate being constantly wet. Ideally, the soil should be relatively fertile (mix in compost prior to planting to increase nutrient levels).
Seed packets contain sowing and growing information & indicates companion plants and crop rotation guidelines.
Supplied by an Organic Farm NZ Certified. We source and support NZ & Certified Organic seed growers.