Broad Bean (Coles) seeds $3.50
This bean variety is fleshy, stringless and Read More
This bean variety is fleshy, stringless and flavoursome. They can grow up to 16cm. A mid to late season, all-time favourite veg to grow. Green beans contain protein, vitamins C and A, and beneficial minerals like calcium.
Sow direct in a sunny well drained position with damp soil. Cover with veg seed raising mix and firm down. Do not water for a couple of days after sowing. Best results are achieved when soil temperature is consistently above 20℃. Make successive sowings every few weeks. Pick young beans regularly for maximum yield. Water well in dry conditions. Dwarf beans are a great companion plant for carrots, cucumber, cauliflower, beetroot, parsley, parsnip, lettuce & cabbage. Avoid overwatering - seeds may rot before germination if soil is too wet. Avoid sowing too early, or sowing into hard, compacted soil. If required, hill up soil around growing plants for support. Dwarf (bush) beans do not require trellis to climb on, but if long tendrils appear, trim to maintain.
Seed packets contain sowing and growing information & indicates companion plants and crop rotation guidelines.
Supplied by an Organic Farm NZ Certified. We source and support NZ & Certified Organic seed growers.